Security News & Trends

Security Camera System for Business Efficiency & Profit

Written by General Security | Jul 23, 2024 2:57:19 PM

Does your store or commercial property have inventory on-site?

If so, using a modern security camera system to help stop store theft is a priority. While a modern camera system is a necessary defensive measure, how can you use it to play offense with paying customers and increase profit?

An advanced security camera system for business operations should be enhanced with Business Activity Analytics. This will allow you to monitor and understand customer behavior in detail and tweak your operations to encourage more sales.

Leverage Occupancy and People Counting For More Business

Frequently, storeowners approach our team eager to install a video surveillance system that covers the necessary angles, allows them to easily monitor from their phones and smart devices, and discourages shoplifters and employee theft.

But we wouldn’t be proving our reputation if we left it at that.

They are delighted when we equip their security camera system with crucial Business Activity Analytics features, such as Occupancy and People Counting. As storeowners learn more about these monitoring and tracking capabilities, they may ask:

Storeowner 1:

"I want to track the peak time and number of visitors within my business.”


Occupancy and People Counting tracks the peak time and peak number of visitors daily, weekly, or monthly.

Storeowner 2:

"I want to see how visitors move around my store or commercial space.”


People Counting can be used to count the number of people passing through each virtual tripwire we set up at each entrance/exit or area.

Storeowner 3:

"I want to be notified when the number of people in my store exceeds a set number.”


Occupancy and People Counting notifications will alert you if the number of people within your business exceeds your chosen number.

How Does It Work?

The first step is strategizing with our professionals on how you want to use your system’s analytics toward your business objectives. For example, perhaps you want to know how much customer traffic a particular product is getting in its current location in your store. For this scenario, we can:

  • Program the security camera that covers that product’s area with a virtual tripwire configured for Occupancy and People Counting.
  • Set the tripwire at floor level over the entry, exit, or aisle the product is in, ensuring the area is within the camera’s field of view and that the tripwire aligns with the proper direction of foot traffic.
  • Set the tripwire to notify when certain occupancy thresholds are met during select days and timeframes, among other customizations.
  • After that timeframe, a report will be generated and shared with you showing detailed data points on people counts, average occupancy levels, and the total number of people who entered the product’s area during the selected timeframe, as well as day-to-day within that timeframe.
  • This data can help storeowners and managers gauge the product’s demand and help them outline the next steps in adjusting its display or placement in the store to increase buying opportunities.

While this example scenario is straightforward, keep in mind that we can customize your cameras with several analytics tools to track and report different behaviors.

What Else Can Occupancy and People Counting Do?

You can also leverage Occupancy and People Counting to:

  • Understand your store’s busiest hours to optimize workforce planning (e.g., Perhaps one less employee is needed on certain days that you now see are slower).
  • Track high-foot-traffic aisles or areas and adjust the layout to improve customer flow and product placement.
  • Monitor the number of employees entering and exiting an inventory or storage room to optimize your restocking schedule.

Bonus Analytics Feature: Heat Mapping

We can also program your cameras with heat maps so that you can visualize the activity in a specific area of your store during a selected timeframe. For example:

Storeowner 4:

I want to see which area of my business is the most popular throughout the week.

We select a camera that monitors the customer area you want to track and set a heat map over a virtual ground zone covering that area in order to measure the activity. In the report, higher activity zones will appear in red while lower activity zones will apear blue.

Similar to Occupancy and People Counting, heat maps can help you:

  • Accurately see where customers spend the most or least time in your store.
  • Rearrange and improve floor layout that will guide people into areas that get less attention.
  • Place products in high-traffic areas to encourage a spike in sales.

Act Now

When considering a security camera system for business optimization, note that heat maps and Occupancy and People Counting capabilities within that system are critical. This advanced security technology provides accurate, real-time data to discover customer behavior and trends, helping you improve strategies for increasing profits and efficiency.

Enhance your security system today with our General Security specialists. We provide custom security strategies for stores, businesses, and commercial properties. Contact us at 1-800-343-2250 to Request a Free Quote and to learn more.