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Smart Technology Benefits of Access Control Systems

Feb 15, 2023 5:03:28 PM General Security 3 min read

Young woman with bright clothing using phone to gain access to commercial building

Internal thefts, security breaches, and property crimes are on the rise: A whopping three out of four employees have admitted stealing from their respective employers.

There are ways to help thwart these alarming trends, however. Adding a commercial access control system with smart automation technologies is your first defense to keep thieves, vandals, and trespassers at bay.

Keycards, smart locks, and other safeguards help combat external and internal thefts.  

Here we discuss commercial access control system features and benefits, smart automation integrations, and more.

What Is a Commercial Access Control System?

Commercial access control systems regulate and manage clearance, access, and authorization to specific levels within a workplace or office building. This can include hallways, entrances, storage areas, warehouses, shop floors, server rooms, parking areas, and more. 

Standard systems utilize keycards, key readers, and keypads, however, additional features such as intercom systems, security cameras, and energy management tools can also be added. 

These systems also monitor employee productivity and other important diagnostics.

Smart Access Control Integrations

Whether utilizing just one of these components, or a complete system—all can be integrated and controlled through several leading access control systems and brands. 

Here’s a rundown of useful smart technologies and their capabilities:


Utilizing keycards or fobs, entry systems feature magnetic ID cards read by electronic controllers at entry/exit points can help with occupancy counting and crowd control, and more. 

Note the following keycard technologies: 

  • Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
  • Smart Automation
  • Proximity
  • Wiegand
  • Magnetic Stripe Readers (MSRs)

Keycards provide real-time information on secured areas. They can also alert of possible trespassers and unauthorized visitors during and after business hours. 

Security Cameras & Remote Monitoring

Indoor, outdoor, and doorbell cameras can be highly useful when integrated with smart technologies. Not only do these provide 24/7 protection, but real-time monitoring from anywhere. Such capabilities can also help assist law enforcement with identifying and apprehending perpetrators.

Adding a commercial access control system with smart automation technologies is your first defense to keep thieves, vandals, and trespassers at bay.

Because smart security cameras will activate only when movement is detected, only relevant footage will be recorded. This saves energy, time, battery life, storage, and memory. 

Intercom Systems

Smart intercom systems can remotely respond to visitors, delivery personnel, and others attempting access. During an active emergency situation, local authorities and first responders can be alerted via 24/7 Central Station Monitoring. 

Door Locks

Should employees forget to lock the office doors when leaving for the day, an automatic alert on smart locks will be sure to remind them. Doors can also be unlocked/locked from anywhere for immediate, authorized access. 

Temperature Control & Energy Management

For any business—especially hospitality—power losses leaving kitchens and restaurants without a working refrigerator, HVAC system, and other necessary appliances, can be disastrous. Real-time alerts will warn employees about these, as well as fluctuations in the interior temperature. Adding smart thermostats, outlets, and LED bulbs can help prevent dangerous situations.

Automated Protection for Employees & Assets

Safeguarding employees and assets with leading smart access control systems can be the difference between devastating losses and damages or smooth, efficient workflows. Working with a reputable service provider such as General Security can help determine the best technologies to safeguard your organization.

General Security provides commercial access control systems and smart integrations for businesses of all sizes and industries. Request a free quote from us today!