Triad Security Systems maintains expertise in the finest, state-of-the-art access control software and hardware.
When a credential is presented to a reader, the reader sends the credential’s information to a control panel, a highly reliable processor. The control panel compares the credential's information to the client’s database. When the credential presented does not have permission to enter that door at that time, access is denied and the door remains locked. If there is a match between the credential and the database, the control panel operates a relay that in turn unlocks the door. Often the reader provides feedback, such as a flashing red LED for an access denied and a flashing green LED for an access granted.
The access control database keeps a record of not only changes made to the database itself but events that happen within the system. That is, the requesting of access by individual credentials and the granting/denying of access. Events can be alarmed events and recorded. An alarm is an event that requires acknowledgement. For example, if a person holds the door open too long to allow others to piggyback on his access, an alarm can be sent to a security guard’s computer screen letting him/her know that an event has occurred that needs to be addressed.
The access control systems that Triad Security Systems specializes in are robust systems. They can be designed for smaller implementations (i.e. less than 10 doors) and simply provide general access in and out as well as enterprise wide systems with hundreds of doors that incorporate a number of other features. These features can include visitor management, video surveillance integration, photo ID badging, graphical alarm monitoring interface, intrusion detection integration, elevator control, offline lock integration, security guard tours and portrait monitoring.
DSX ‘s uncompromising dedication to engineering and manufacturing makes DSX Access Systems one of the most respected names in the security industry because of its concentration on providing products and service that exemplify quality, reliability and integrity. DSX offers symmetrical scalability. Grow your system from one location and one PC to thousands of locations and hundreds of PCs on a Wide Area Network.
Triad Security Systems is also a certified Schlage SMS/Schlage Security Management System dealer (formerly Geoffrey Access Control Systems). Schlage provides a complete line of access control hardware and software products to fit your needs. Schlage also provides a full line of expandable access control hardware to complement our suite of software offerings. Schlage hardware includes reader controllers, reader interfaces, wireless readers, I/O modules, controller communications, power supplies, custom enclosures, readers, and credentials.
alarm monitoring, credential production (photo ID badging), intrusion detection integration, visitor management, elevator control, offline and online lock integration, security guard tours, and portrait monitoring.
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